In the meantime, as Wine seems to be massive problems with Steam/Half Life 1 & 2, in a no sound and or no game sot of a way. I thougth that at least i should be able to get Doom 2 running.
Which considering the Half Life failure of the last few weeks, went OK. I installed DOSBox (via Ubuntu program installer, so no problem there.)
Then i wandered the internet trying to work out what to do next. Until i found this: OK lost the address. But the gist was.
- Make a folder in your home/username folder called dos, and inside that a folder called c
- move the Doom2 files (from my old pc installation files circa 1998!) into the c folder: home/username/dos/c/doom2
- Unhide your hidden Files in your File Browser and look for .dosbox, and the file inside called something like dosbox-0.73.conf, and open it.
- Then at the bottom, last line add::
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount c /home/USERNAME/dos/c
# cd Doom2
# cd Genesys
If you un-comment out:
cd Doom2
Then when you start DOSBox, not only will it mount your fake c drive, but it will also start doom and, when you close doom, exit dosbox.
Or, as i did, open Menu Editor, add a new Item, say DOSBox Doom, with these properties: dosbox -c "cd Doom2" -c "DOOM2.EXE" -c "exit" i now have a item in my Games menu that starts Doom.
Now i just have to persuade him that Doom 2 is great.
Sort of Update: i got so excited by this that i downloaded the free app aDosBox for my phone, having copied the Doom2 fodler onto my phone - and it worked! Well almost, cant actually seem to work out how to control the game, but both doom and genecyst load.
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